Stevenage fans at Crewe – Poznan

By , January 25, 2011 5:28 am

Crewe Alex Video clip Rating: 3 / five

25 Responses to “Stevenage fans at Crewe – Poznan”

  1. ps3xPk says:

    shit fans with one shit ground and a prick of a manager and some dirty thugish players

  2. maloneymariner says:

    its wrong haha ….

  3. DanielStevenage says:

    @ZiggaZaggaOAFC sorry, where are you in league 1???

  4. acrylicsycophant says:

    @ZiggaZaggaOAFC I don’t know you, but I think I love you..

    Great comment.

  5. MikeyBoyTellUm says:

    really disapointed it ended there i wanted that bloke to take his shirt off

  6. chrisno27 says:

    It’s funny only few, then theres man city who really know how to do it.

  7. swanskdb says:

    hahaha love it… we do the dale cavese at Swansea, would love to get it going with that drum beat

  8. 2399bert says:

    really catchy dis

  9. DanielStevenage says:

    @ZiggaZaggaOAFC cringeworthy is one word. thats awkward.

  10. inTHEwrongGENERATION says:

    @ZiggaZaggaOAFC Yeah I know to me I prefer the bouncy bouncy at chelsea Just because its Only Rangers and Chelsea which do it but still

  11. ZiggaZaggaOAFC says:

    @inTHEwrongGENERATION Then why are they singing cringe worthy foreign ‘ultra’ bollocks? Looking like a bunch of twats at the same time.

  12. inTHEwrongGENERATION says:

    @ZiggaZaggaOAFC  I am sorry every club has chants of there own Like my club Chelsea god know’s how many chants we have

  13. ZiggaZaggaOAFC says:

    Cringe worthy. But I suppose Plastic little clubs like Stevenage don’t have any chants of their own. Carry on copying foreign chants and doing the Poznan like a Clueless Citeh fan. Knobs.

  14. BRADFORDFAN1 says:

    @STEVENAGEAREGOINGUP orite aha,anyways your up were not!


    @BRADFORDFAN1 naa i didnt mean it in that way haha 🙂


    naa i didnt mean it in that way lol, i was just saying 🙂

  17. BRADFORDFAN1 says:

    @STEVENAGEAREGOINGUP ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,getting technical get you


    @BRADFORDFAN1 stevenage’s attendance is 7,100 with 900 seats for the away supporters..

  19. BRADFORDFAN1 says:

    @1hn4ever na give you that, double promotion not bad at all! well done

  20. 1hn4ever says:

    @BRADFORDFAN1 Shutup you fucking mong! League 2 shit 😉

  21. BRADFORDFAN1 says:

    This video has more views than the home attendance at stevenage lol!

  22. gtfcgilly says:

    you lot sound fucking dead.

  23. DanielStevenage says:

    @woodymacclad lol. i think POZNAN. do it the best

  24. DanielStevenage says:

    @Bhoy1888Celtic Win.

  25. DanielStevenage says:

    @daves143 thats nice of you to say that.