Best Drunk Southend Football Fan! – Southend United Vs Crewe Alexandra JPT Final 2013

Crewe Alex Movie Ranking: five / 5


12 responses to “Best Drunk Southend Football Fan! – Southend United Vs Crewe Alexandra JPT Final 2013”

  1. lukebeatonCAFC vids Avatar
    lukebeatonCAFC vids

    Out sung by 10,000 fans hahaha

  2. FQAC1 Avatar

    to be fair, you can hear us quite clearly on the video.

  3. tuttersnutters Avatar

    I think it’s unfair to say the crewe fans sung anything actually they’re pathetic

  4. michael78mw Avatar

    Disgraceful, standing up & shouting at a football match!This behaviour has no place at wembley,if he wants to behave like this he should go somewhere more rowdy & passionate like the cinema or library. The F.A. & $ky have done their best to rid football of such behaviour, but sadly a small minority refuse to sit down & shut up. If u want to act like this go to some east european backwater like Germany where they sing wave flags like animals.

  5. Joe Masterson Avatar
    Joe Masterson

    30,000 southend fans out sung by 9,000 crewe alex fans.. how embarrassing

  6. themorph72 Avatar

    God, so there was a Southend fan shouting after all…. Who would have known!!

  7. wizmac080 Avatar

    I have a Video on it

  8. wizmac080 Avatar

    I have bid on it

  9. wizmac080 Avatar

    I was there good match but Southend lost

  10. Lewe Benge Avatar
    Lewe Benge

    Pretty sad you spent one of the biggest games of the season recording a fellow fan.

  11. 33dsg Avatar

    One of southend’s many retards let loose without his carer for the day

  12. cmrules Avatar

    What was he like when you should have had a penalty!? lmao